Sion Stables Heritage Trail APP is now live and available for downloading FREE for all iOS devices.  Scan the QR code below downloading the APP onto your device and begin your own exploration of our wonderful village.

QR code for sion mills panel

Delve deeper into the history of this remarkable Village with our FREE Sion Stables smartphone heritage trail APP. The trail will guide you to key sites in the Village such as the old school, Church of the Good Shepherd, swinging bridge and of course Herdmans Mill retelling the story of 170 years of linen production and the life of the people who worked and lived in the Village.

Download the APP now at or scan the code at Sion Stables before you begin your tour.

Sion Stables app page image


Use the augmented reality mode of the APP to unlock video content from days gone by at each of the interpretative signs around the Village . Simply scan the QR code to download the APP today.