Second successful summer scheme!

20150821_12382320150821_124158 20150817_125523 20150817_161914 20150818_125855 20150818_141050 20150818_141043 20150819_101923 20150819_101940 20150819_103843 20150819_103520 20150819_111617 20150819_125558 20150819_132335 20150819_135840We are delighted to publish photos from another successful summer scheme that was held in Sion Stables in August. All who attended explored the history of Sion Mills in a fun, interactive way. From making their own WW1 medals like those awarded to so many locals, looking at the nature that surrounds us by making bug hotels, having a scavenger hunt and making hobby horses and having our own Carricklee races; to taking a real Clydesdale horse and cart ride! Everyone had a fantastic time. Thank you to all the children who attended and our volunteers who kindly gave up their time to help us.