Sion Stables have a stall at todays Strawberry Fair – why not pop along and see Ruth who will demonstrate our heritage Trail APP so you can explore the village in your own time. If you are at the Fair drop into the Stables building which is fully open today and take a tour of…
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We’ve had some great reviews about our APP this week with Australian, New Zealander, American Canadian and Slovakian visitors taking the tour. Its great to hear how they engaged with it and how much they enjoyed it. One family of Americans had a distant relative who had been a black smith apprentice in the village…
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We’ve had some great reviews about our APP this week with Australians, New Zealanders, American, Canadian and Slovakian visitors taking the tour. Its great to hear how they engaged with it and how much they enjoyed it. One family of Americans had a distant relative who had been a black smiths apprentice who ended up…
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